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People's Daily reported that construction of a building in guangxi was awarded

[文章摘要] PeopleinnanningonAugust16th,aug19(Reuters)Chineseculturemanagementassociation"thesecondannualbrandculturemanagementforum"andtocarryoutthe"China-bestservicemodel"launcheventheldinBeijing.Conferenceforabatchofexcellentachievementsintheenterprisecultureconstructionunitsandindividualsthatguangxiconstructionbuiltona



    People in nanning on August 16th, aug 19 (Reuters) Chinese culture management association "the second annual brand culture management forum" and to carry out the "China - best service model" launch event held in Beijing. Conference for a batch of excellent achievements in the enterprise culture construction units and individuals that build a construction of guangxi with excellence in enterprise culture construction work, won the "2015 China innovation brand culture construction unit" title, the company secretary of the party committee, chairman of the board of directors WeiChunJie won the "2015 China brand culture construction innovation model" title. This is the company of "culture", "project construction culture" won prizes at the national modernization construction management innovation, build a construction in the aspect of enterprise culture construction in guangxi and won a big honor. It is reported, this is the only won the title of the unit in guangxi.


    In recent years, the construction of guangxi a built adhering to the "quality is the result of responsibility, good faith to create value" of the enterprise culture idea, establishing the "people-oriented, building a harmonious, honesty as the base, innovation as the soul" of the enterprise culture construction, focus on the systemic and culture of the enterprise culture construction to the ground, subsystem of culture construction, etc., to promote enterprise cultural domination shift control type, the cultural strategy, improve the organization and management network, combing enterprise culture idea system, make the enterprise culture medium and long-term development strategy and promote the implementation, to set up the evaluation system of the enterprise culture and so on key, strive to build and create rich characteristic of enterprise culture to build system of "family culture" and "top ten brand culture construction project", namely honesty culture, harmonious culture and innovative culture, learning, culture, moral culture, brand culture, regional culture, safety culture, project culture, honesty culture. Build a construction of guangxi take full advantage of guangxi build a newspaper, "the company mission

People's Daily on August 19 :http://gx.people.com.cn/n/2015/0819/c347802-26040715-2.html

Chinese enterprise culture transmission network on August 19 :http://www.zgqywhcbw.com/rw/2015-08-19/7378.html

China's information network reported on August 19:




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